1.Chocolate will keep you awake
The people who spout this myth are trying to tell you that chocolate contains loads of caffeine and that is going to give you a sleepless night! This is false, as the actual amount of caffeine in a chocolate bar is about the same as that of a cup of decaffeinated coffee. The cocoa bean contains only about 0.5% caffeine while dry coffee beans have 1.2% caffeine.
2.Chocolate could give you a stroke
Provided you eat moderate amounts of dark chocolate (74% of cocoa solids), you could cut the risk of stroke by 22%. Those people who did get a stroke were 45% less likely to die if they had consumed moderate amounts of chocolate on a regular basis.
3.Chocolate will give you acne
Teenagers are usually told this but there is no scientific evidence at all that this is the case. If there is too much sebum, then this could block pores and lead to acne. But all the studies done so far have debunked this theory and there is simply not enough evidence to support it.
4.Chocolate will not affect your mood in any way
Your good mood depends on the serotonin chemical, which can help boost your mood and avoid mood swings. This may be a problem for women going through the menopause. Now, chocolate can help because it contains tryptophan which can stimulate the production of serotonin.
5.Chocolate will make you fat
Yes, it will, if you eat lots and lots of it! But in moderation, chocolate can help you in many ways. For example, a single portion of 70% chocolate can give you the same amount of protein that you would get from a cup of broccoli. It also can give you fiber. All this means that you feel full.