December: time to say goodbye to sunglasses and beautiful skirts. If we have to start covering up again, then so do the skin-and-bone celebrities whose disappearing bodies seem to have been the obsession of the media all summer long.
It's not just the popular press that keeps us informed about the too-thin figures of Nicole Richie, Victoria Beckham, Renée Zellweger and Keira Knightley. The quality papers have also found ways to report on uberskinny stars. They handle the subject differrently, of course. Usually they attack the popular press for its obsession with women's bodies, and then give us an intellectual analysis of the paradox of thinness in an increasingly fat world.
What all the stories have in common is that they claim to be worried about the health of the woman in question.(Notice how it's always a woman.)And it encourages other women who have fewer reasons to be cheerful than these overprivileged, underfed celebrities.
Each year, anorexia kills an estimated 150,000 American women. In Britain, the charity ChildLine reports a 50 per cent rise in the number of children, some as young as 10, who are seeking help. Of all that is known about anorexia, the most significant is that it's most common among young Western women.
Each era sets its ideal for feminine beauty: Rubenesque curves; tiny waist; large breasts; rounded hips; slender hips. But never has a set of conditions been as dangerous as 24-hour global media, airbrushing and the fashion for a figure that owes more to the unthreatening shape of a young girl that that of a fully grown, intelligent woman.
This impossible-to-achieve illusion leads 12-year-old girls to miss meals, go for leg waxes and, worst of all, judge each other's worth entirely on the basis of their physical appearance.
This is not a mental illness, it's an unpleasant woman-against-woman competition. Maybe it's better for women to return to the battle of the sexes. Feminism was never so successful in eating away at femininity as the present culture that makes women fear food and so show a lack of faith in their talents and pride in their natural form.