一命嗚呼 kicking the bucket
一命歸天 enter the celestial city
夭折 dying young
不行了 on the point of death
永訣 parting forever
去世 dying
仙逝 passing away
安息 resting in peace
完了 be over
完蛋 be done for
沒命 losing one's life
陣亡 dying in battle
殉職 dying at one's post
殉難 dying (for a just course or for one's country)
脫離凡塵 going our of this world
喪身 meeting one's death
壽盡 meeting one's end
獻(xiàn)身 devoting oneself to
犧牲 sacrificing oneself
咽氣 breathing one's last
歸土 paying one's debt to nature
歸天 passing away
歸西 going west