一、 尸體現(xiàn)象 (Postmortem phenomena)
1. Livor Mortis (尸斑)
2. Rigor Mortis (尸僵)
3. Body Temperature (尸溫)
4. Decomposition (尸體腐敗)
5. Mummy (木乃伊)
6. Chemical Changes in Body Fluids(體液尸體化學改變)
二、鈍器傷 (Blunt Trauma Wounds)
1. Abrasion (擦傷)
2. Contusion (挫傷)
3. Laceration (裂傷)
4. Defense Wound (抵抗傷)
5. Fracture of the Skull (顱骨骨折)
6. Fracture of the Extremities (四肢骨折)
7. Pelvic Fracture (骨盆骨折)
三、銳器傷 (Wounds Caused by Pointed and Sharp-Edged Weapons)
1. Stab Wound (刺創(chuàng))
2. Incised Wound (切創(chuàng))
3. Chop Wound (砍創(chuàng))
4. Gunshot Wound (槍創(chuàng))
四、機械性窒息 (Asphyxia)
1. Hanging (縊死)
2. Ligature Strangulation (勒死)
3. Manual Strangulation (扼死)
4. Smothering(捂死)
5. Choking (哽死)
6. Drowning (溺死)
7. Sexual Asphyxia (性窒息)
五、其 他1.Deaths Caused by Motor Vehicle Accidents (道路交通損傷)
2.燒傷 (Fire Death)
3.Electrocution (電擊死)
4.Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (一氧化碳中毒)
5.Drug Abuse and Drug Deaths (藥物濫用致死)
6.Sudden Death (急死)