紙與紙板 paper and Board
牛皮紙 Kraft Paper
雞皮紙 W. G. Wrapping Paper
玻璃紙 Glass Paper (Cellophane)
糖果包裝紙 Kiss Paper
涂布紙 White Board
白紙板 White board
再生紙板 Reclaimed board
牛皮箱紙板 kraft Liner board
瓦楞紙板 Corrugated Board
瓦楞紙箱 Corrugated Box
折疊盒 Folding Cartons
襯袋盒(箱) Bag-in -box
復合紙罐 Composite Paper-Can
紙質托盤 Paper-Tray
定量 net weight
羊皮紙 Parchment Paper
半透明紙 Semitransparent Paper
普通食品包裝紙 Food Packaging Paper
茶葉袋濾紙 Tea Bag Paper
復合紙 Composite Paper
黃紙板 Straw Board
箱紙板 Case Board
瓦楞原紙 Corrugating Base Paper
包裝紙箱 Packaging Box
紙盒 Paper Box
固定盒 Set-up Box
紙漿模制品 Pulp Mould
復合紙杯 Composite Paper -Cup
紙袋 Paper Bag
塑料包裝材料 Plastic Packaging Materials
熱塑性塑料 Thermo Plastic
塑料樹脂 Plastic Resin
聚乙烯 Polyethylene
高密度聚乙烯 High Density Polyethylene
聚丙烯 Polypropylene
聚氯乙烯 Polyvinyl Chloride
聚酯 Polyethylene Terephthlate
聚酰胺 Polyamide
乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物 Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Copoyhner
離子型聚合物 Ionomer
聚氨脂 Polyurethane
環(huán)境可降解塑料 Environmental lysis film
塑料薄膜 Plastic Film
熱收縮薄膜 Shrink Film
復合薄膜 Compsite Fism
蒸煮袋 Retortable Pouch
生物降薄膜 Biolysis Film
塑料瓶 Plastic Bottle
熱固性塑料 Thermoset Plastic
低密度聚乙烯 Low Density Polyethylene
線型低密度聚乙烯 Linear Low density Polyethylene
聚苯乙烯 Polystyrene
聚偏二氯乙烯 Poly vinylidene Chlorie (saran)
聚碳酸酯 Polycarbonate
聚乙烯醇 Polyvinyl Alcshol
乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 Ethylene Vinylacetate
聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) Polyterafluoroethylene
定向拉伸薄膜 Stretched Film
彈性薄膜 Elastic Film
塑料薄膜袋 Plastic film Bag
可食薄膜 Edible Film
光降解膜 Light ?lysis Film
塑料桶 Plastic Drum
塑料保溫箱 Plastic Foam Box
熱成型容器 thermo Form Containers
助劑(添加劑) Additives
增塑劑 Plasticizers
穩(wěn)定劑 Stabilizers
填充劑 Fillers
著色劑 Colorants
金屬包裝材料和容器 Metal Packaging Material and Containers
鍍錫薄鋼板 Tinplate
鍍鋅薄鋼板 Enplate
鋁合金薄板 Aluminium Alloy Plate
鋁箔 Aluminium Foil
金屬罐 Metal Can
兩片罐 Two-piece Can
圓罐 Round Can
方罐 Rectagular Can
梯形罐 trapezoidal Can
淺沖罐 Drawn Can
鈣塑瓦楞箱 Calp Box
塑料片材 Plastic sheet
毒性 Toxicity
安全性 Safety
透氣性 Gas Permeability
透濕性 Water Vapor Permeability
滲透性 Permeability
鍍鉻薄鋼板 Tin-free ?Steel-or TFS
低碳薄鋼板 Low Carbon Steel
真空鍍鋁膜 Al metallizing Fool
三片罐 Three ?piece Can
組合罐 Composite Can
異形罐 Irregular Can
橢圓罐 Oval Can
縮頸罐 Necked-in Can
深沖罐 deep Drawn Can
變薄拉伸罐 Crawn and Ironed Can
焊縫罐 Resistance Welding Can
易開罐 Easy Open Can
鋁質罐 aluminum Can
涂料罐 Lacquered Tin Plate Can
罐蓋 End (or Lid or Cover)
全開蓋 Full Open Can
金屬軟管 Metal Collapsible Tube
玻璃容器 Glass Containers
瓶罐 Container
輕量瓶 Light weight Container
軟飲料瓶 Sofe drink bottle
陶瓷電裝容器 Pottery and Porcelain Packaging Containers
包裝輔助材料 ancillary Packaging Materials
粘合劑 Adhesive
聚醋酸乙烯 Poly vinyl Acetate
水溶型粘合劑 Water-soluble Adhesive
溶劑型粘合劑 Solvent Adhesive
壓敏型粘合劑 Pressure-sensitive Adhesive
錫焊罐 Soldered Can
粘接罐 Cono-weld Can
卷開罐 Key Open Can
索鐵罐 Plain Tinplate Can
頂開罐 Open Top Can
易開蓋 Easy Open End
金屬大桶 Metal Drum
鈉鈣硅玻璃 Sode-lime-silica Glass
小口瓶 Bottle
啤酒瓶 Beer Bottle
白酒瓶 White Spirit Bottle
乳液型粘合劑 Emulsion Adhesive
熱熔型粘合劑 Hotmelt Adhesive
膠乳 Latex
淀粉粘合劑 Starch Adhesive
阿拉伯樹膠 Acacia Gum
皮膠 Hide glue
涂料 Coating Material
酚醛樹膠(PF) phenol ?formaldehyde Resin
丙烯酸樹脂 Acrylics
環(huán)氧樹脂(EP) Epoxide Resin
防霧滴涂料 Antidimming Paint
桐油 Tung Oil
封緘材料 Closure Material
膠帶 gummed Tape
流體密封膠 Fluid Seal-gum
糊精 Dextrin
骨膠 bone glue
干酪素 Casein
天然樹脂 Natural Resin
氨基樹脂 Amino Resin
防腐涂料 Anticorrosive Paint
防靜電涂料 Anti-static Paint
石蠟 Paraffin
捆扎材料 Strapping Material
壓敏膠帶 Pressure-sensitive Tape