油燜豆腐 Braised Bean Curd
海米燒豆腐 Bean Curd with Dried Shrimps
沙鍋豆腐 Bean Curd in Terrine
豆腐夾 Bean Curd Sandwich
鹵豆腐 Bean Curd in Spiced Sauce
沙鍋對(duì)蝦 Stewed Prawn in Terrine
蛋泡銀魚 Fried Silver Fish with Egg
辣豆瓣魚 Braised Fish with Hot Bean Sauce
酸辣蘿卜絲 Hot and Sour Radish Slices
紅血腸 Blood Large Intestine
肉末四季豆 Fried Kidney Bean with Minced Pork
板栗燒雞 Braised Chicken with Chinese Chestnut
牛肉湯 Beef Soup
木須柿子 Fried Tomato and Eeg
木須肉 Fried Pork with Scrambled Eggs and Fungus
炸田雞腿 Fried Frog Leg
蔥爆雞丁 Fried Diced Chicken with Shallot
鯽魚過(guò)河 Steamed Crucian
雞蛋湯 Egg Soup
木樨肉 Stir-Fried Pork Shreds and Cabbage with Fungus and Scrambled Eggs
排骨燉白菜 Braised Chop with Cabbage
芹菜魚絲 Fried Shredded Fish with Celery
蒜瓣燒田雞腿 Fried Frog Leg with Garlic
炒雪冬 Fried Bamboo Shoots and Salted Mustard
茄汁草魚片 Fried Grass Carp Slices with Tomato Sauce
炸芝麻蝦 Fried Prawn with Sename
鴨腰燒口蘑 Braised Duck Kidney with Mushroom
紅燒蹄筋 Braised Pork Tendons
芹菜炒牛肉 Fried Beef with Celery
白肉血腸 White Pork and Blood Large Intestine
燴酸辣干絲 Hot Shredded Dried Bean Curd in Vinegar
韭菜干絲 Shredded Dried Bean Curd and Leek
軟炸蝦 Soft Fried Shrimp
軟炸魚 Soft Fried Fish
軟炸雞 Soft Fried Chicken
拌肉皮絲 Mixed Pork Skin Slices
麻醬紫鮑(東北) Fried Abalone with Sesame Paste
五香牛肉 Spiced Beef
花椒嫩醉雞 Braised Chicken with Xanthoxylum Seeds and Wine
鴛鴦戲飛龍 Mandarin Duck Playing Pterosaur
熘肥腸 Quick-Fried Fat Intestines
蔥燒鯉魚 Braised Carp with Scallion
炸蝦球 Fried Shrimp Ball
鍋巴蝦仁 Crispy Rice Shrimp
酸菜魚(東北) Braised Fish with Preserved Vegetable
金斗京醬牛肉絲[圖] Fried Beef Slices with Sweet Sauce
熘花胗 Quick-fried Ballast
甩袖湯 Pork and Egg Soup
麻辣豆腐 Spicy Hot Bean Curd
紅燒肘子 Braised Joint of Pork in Brown Sauce
清炸里脊 Fried Pork
百合燉田雞[圖] Stewed Frog with Lily
小雞燉蘑菇[圖] Stewed Chick with Mushroom
豬肉燉粉條[圖] Stewed Pork with Vermicelli
蝦仁干貝 Shelled Shrimps and Dried Scallop
芝麻蝦球 Sesame Shrimps Ball