根據(jù)醫(yī)學(xué)雜志編輯國際委員會 (The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE)制定的《生物醫(yī)學(xué)雜志投稿統(tǒng)一要求》(The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, 5th Ed., 1997)*, 一篇生物醫(yī)學(xué)科研論文(以下簡稱“論文”)應(yīng)包括以下12個部分:
1.標(biāo)題(Title) 7.致謝(Acknowledgements)
2.摘要(Abstract) 8.參考文獻(References)
3.引言(Introduction) 9.插圖說明(Legends)
4.材料與方法(Materials and Methods ) 10.插圖(Figures)
5.結(jié)果(Results) 11.表格(Tables)
6.討論(Discussion) 12.照片和說明(Plates and Explanations)
1)引言部分 總的要求是:The purpose of an introduction is to bring the reader into the general area of your study and then state the specific area of study (move from the general to the specific). The introduction shows the scope of your investigation efforts.** 即:說明研究的總體范圍和目的。
A 背景 – 說明所研究問題的目前總體情況或歷史(statement of general area or history of problem);
B.意義 – 說明研究的意義或必要性(statement of importance or need);
C.進展 – 說明有關(guān)該問題的先有發(fā)現(xiàn)、報告或研究(statement of previous findings, reports or studies)。陳述這部分內(nèi)容時一般要有引文(citations);
D 目的 – 說明本研究的目的(statement of purpose of current study);
E. 范圍 – 說明要研究問題的具體范圍(statement of specific area of problem to be studied)
總的要求是:Readers must be able to reproduce your results, evaluate the validity of your results and the soundness of your methods, and follow the logic in the paper. 即:結(jié)果的可重演性、方法的可*性以及前后的邏輯性。
A.簡要說明研究設(shè)計(study design / protocol),如:回顧(retrospective / review),前瞻(prospective),臨床(clinical),動物(animal),實驗(experimental),活體內(nèi)(in vivo)活體外(in vitro),原位(in situ)隨訪(follow-up),對照(controlled),隨機(random / randomized),雙盲交*(double-blind crossover),人群(population / cohort / migrant),對比(comparative),流行病學(xué)(epidemiological)等研究性質(zhì);
B. 詳細(xì)說明研究對象(subject)情況,包括研究人員(student),被研究的人(client)和動物(animal)的性別(***)、年齡(age),物種(species),品種(breed)生理狀態(tài)(physiological state); 微生物則要說明其菌株(strain),血清型(serotype)及其他區(qū)別特性(identity characteristics);
C. 隨機分組分組方法(methods of any random assignment of subjects to groups)和選擇標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(criteria for admission to study groups);
D. 詳細(xì)說明所用的藥物(drug),激素(hormone),試劑(reagent)和其他化學(xué)品(chemical)的名稱、商標(biāo)(trademark)、生產(chǎn)廠家(manufacturer)及所在地(location)E. 簡要說明測定方法(method of measurement),包括名稱,引文和偏差(variations);F. 簡要說明統(tǒng)計學(xué)分析方法(method of statistic analysis)
這部分的陳述程序一般為:研究設(shè)計 → 研究對象性質(zhì) → 處理 / 干預(yù)方法 → 測定 / 觀察手段 → 統(tǒng)計分析
除指示性說明外,如:“病人資料見表1”(Data of the patients are shown in Table 1)“材料與方法”和“結(jié)果”兩部分一律用過去時表達。
3) 結(jié)果部分 總的要求:This section tells the reader what happened in your work. Remember: let your results speak for themselves and don’t embellish (leave that for the Discussion section), 即:讓研究的客觀結(jié)果說話,不要添枝加葉。
1) 對所獲結(jié)果進行概述(overview of the results);
2) 說明所獲資料或數(shù)據(jù)的統(tǒng)計意義(statistical significance);
統(tǒng)計支持(statistical support),包括圖,表,照片等 (凡用圖表表示的內(nèi)容不再用文字詳述)。
不要用模棱兩可的詞或短語表述結(jié)果,如: “ The results tended to be greater than…”, “… showed no promising trends”, “It could / might be inhibited by …”。
4) 討論部分
總的要求:The author should tell the reader what the results mean by placing them in the context of previous published studies of the problem, 即:與先有研究相比,本研究有何意義。具體要求:
A. 簡要說明研究背景(background)
B. 簡要介紹總的發(fā)現(xiàn)(general findings);
C. 介紹具體要點(introduction of points)
D.與現(xiàn)有發(fā)現(xiàn)(若有)進行比較(comparison in the context of other studies)
E. 意義(suggested meaning)
F. 結(jié)論(conclusion)
G.前瞻研究(future studies)
結(jié)論往往是論文中最長也是最難寫的部分,主要原因是作者要對研究結(jié)果和發(fā)現(xiàn)進行分析、推斷、演繹和推理,要求作者具有很強邏輯思維能力和英語文字組織能力。此外,這部分時態(tài)比較復(fù)雜,要分清實驗過程和結(jié)果(過去時)與分析意見(確定:現(xiàn)在時;不確定或假設(shè):過去時)的區(qū)別;他人研究結(jié)果(過去時或現(xiàn)在完成時)與本研究結(jié)果(過去時)的區(qū)別;普遍適用的結(jié)論(現(xiàn)在時)與只適用本研究的結(jié)論(過去時)的其別等。因此,對于however, may, might, could, would, possibly, probably, be likely to 等詞(組)的使用以及we believe (think / consider) that, to our knowledge, in our experience (practice) 等插入語的使用就顯得格外重要。5) 致謝部分
總的要求:Always get approval of your intention to mention someone in the acknowledgement and approval of the form in which you will present the acknowledgement, 即:致謝詞和致謝方式必須征得受謝人或單位的同意。
6) 參考文獻
總的要求:Reference styles should be specific to each journal, 既:根據(jù)各雜志的具體要求,因為各雜志對參考文獻部分的編排順序和格式不盡統(tǒng)一,F(xiàn)將URMSBJ要求的20多種參考文獻中最常見的5種格式列舉如下:
1) Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B. Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancreatobiliary disease. Ann Intern Med 1996 Jun 1; 124(11): 980-3. [標(biāo)準(zhǔn)雜志文章]
2) The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical excise stress testing:Safety and performance guidelines. Med J Aust 1996; 164: 282-4. [作者是個組織]
3) Cancer in South Africa [editorial]. S Afr Med J 1984; 84: 15. [無作者名]
4) Shen HM, Zhang QF. Risk assessment of nickel cardiogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 Suppl 1: 275-82. [某雜志增刊]
5) Browell DA, Lennard TW. Immunologic status of the cancer patient and the effects of blood transfusion on antitumor responses. Curr Opin Gen Surg 1993; 325-33 [無期無卷]
7) 插圖說明
總的要求:Type or point out legends for illustrations using double spacing, starting on a separate page, 既:插圖說明要另頁雙行打印。當(dāng)插圖中有箭頭(arrow)、符號(symbol)、數(shù)字(number)或字母(letter)時,要在這部分(不是在插圖頁上)對其方向、位置等作出非常明確的說明。
總的要求:Design your figures for the appropriate reduction, 即:插圖要按雜志的版面大小比例進行壓縮;不要把插圖拍成照片。
9)表格 總的要求:A table should be a totally self-contained unit of information, 即:表格要作為一個獨立的信息單位另頁打印。表格要簡明清楚,完整(標(biāo)題、內(nèi)容和腳注),即使只有一張表格也要標(biāo)Table 1。